Saturday, February 13, 2016

J. G. Shaddick

This 1806 portrait of J. G. Shaddick by Benjamin Marshall hangs in the National Gallery in Washington DC.

"'The Celebrated Sportsman'
J.G. Shaddick Esqre
His skill acquired, no bird of flight escapes.
Born 1767 Died 1835
Ben Marshall
Exhibited at the Royal Academy 1806"
The National Gallery says of this painting:

Benjamin Marshall exhibited this portrait of J. G. Shaddick at the Royal Academy in 1806. Very little is known about Shaddick besides the fact that he embarked on a lengthy hunting tour in Britain the year the painting was exhibited. In fact, Marshall’s portrait may commemorate this event. Standing in a field after a successful hunt, Shaddick holds his trophy—a male pheasant—in triumph, surrounded by his shooting horse and two hunting dogs. Marshall was a well known painter of both portraits and sporting subjects, with such prestigious patrons as the Prince of Wales. Like his fellow artist George Stubbs, Marshall studied equine anatomy to achieve a greater sense of realism in his paintings. -- NPG

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