Sunday, February 7, 2016

John F. Hoss

This c. 1830 portrait of Captain John Hoss by Robert Street hangs in the Maryland Historical Society Museum in Baltimore Maryland.

Captain John F. Hoss born 1793
drummer boy during the attack on Baltimore
by the British, September 1814

Hoss would have been 21 years old in 1814. Ten years later in 1824 Captain John F. Hoss carried Pulaski's Flag in Baltimore' s welcoming ceremony for the Marquis de Lafayette.
"[O]n the memorable visit of General La Fayette to Baltimore, October 7-11, 1824, [Pulaski's Flag] was carried by the Forsyth Company of Volunteers, Captain John F. Hoss, attached to the Second Regiment of Maryland Riflemen, on the day of the review of the citizen soldiers of Baltimore by the nation's guest [Lafayette]." -- The Maryland Historical Magazine, Sept. 1918.

In 1839 Hoss was the architect/builder of a public store building at Gay and Water Streets in Balitmore. In 1840 John Hoss became one the six founders of the Washington Temperance Society. The Culture, Alcohol & Society Quarterly remarks that:
 "Captain John F. Hoss was a well-known Baltimorean, a veteran of the War of 1812, born in 1792, and in 1842 Alderman of the 4th Ward. He was still living in 1870, when his War of 1812 Pension was commuted to a single lump-sum payment. In the 1850 Census he is listed as John F. Hoss, 56, builder, wife Mary 48.” --CASQ, April/May/June 2005.
Captain Hoss was Baltimore Assistant City Commissioner in 1849 and Port Warden in 1850.

And in 1850 John F. Hoss was the architect the iron Greek-style pavilion with fluted columns in Union Square.

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