Saturday, February 27, 2016


This 1838 portrait of Osceola by George Catlin hangs in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC.
"The Seminole Indians of the Southeast were directly affected by Andrew Jackson's policy of Indian removal, and although a portion of his tribe's leadership gave in to the federal government, Osceola led the resistance. Unlike Black Hawk, who fought the Americans in the West, Osceola did not take on the U.S. military in open battle, but conductead a campaign of guerrilla warfare, harassing federal authorities from the Seminole base in the Everglades. Osceola was captured after the Americans violated a flag of truce. He died in prison shortly thereafter, but the Seminole, famously, never surrendered to the United States." -- National Portrait Gallery

This portrait of  Asseola, a Seminole Leader, appeared in Thomas Loraine McKenney, History of Indian Tribes of North America, 1872.

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