Friday, March 11, 2016

F. Scott Fitzgerald

This 1935 portrait of F. Scott Fitzgerald by David Silverette hangs in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC
“It was F. Scott Fitzgerald who named the self­indulgent 1920s the Jazz Age, and his best-selling novel This Side of Paradise became one of the decade's first literary landmarks. But his most enduring achievement was The Great Gatsby (1925), which, in meticulously crafted prose, wove a modern morality tale set against a backdrop of luxury. Fitzgerald and his talented wife, Zelda, experienced — in New York, Paris, and Hollywood­ some of the glamorous life he evoked. But struggling with financial disappointments, alcoholism, and Zelda's mental illness, Fitzgerald also probed the destructive underside of the era's bright illusions. When he met artist David Silvette in 1935, Fitzgerald was suffering from an emotional breakdown. He agreed to pose, however, and considered this a swell portrait. His career as chronicler of the dreams and disappointments of contemporary life was cut short by his death five years later.” — National Portrait Gallery
This sketch of Fitzgerald appeared in the New York Herald in 1922.

And this profile appeared in an advertisement by Charles Scribner's, for The Beautiful and the Damned.

F. Scott and his wife Zelda are buried in St. Mary's Church in  Rockville Maryland.

See Landmarks: F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald.

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