Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Ignatius Loyola

This painting of St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), depicting his vision at La Storta, sits behind the Altar in St. Ingatius Church on Chapel Point in Port Tobacco Maryland.
"After St. Ignatius was ordained, but before he formed the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), he and his companions stopped to pray at a small chapel in the town of La Storta, outside of Rome. They were on their way to Rome to place themselves at the disposal of the Pope after they had failed in their attempt to travel to the Holy Land and convert the Turks. Despite the lack of ships heading to the Middle East, blocked by war and weather, Ignatius still had some doubts about turning from their original purpose and was praying for a confirming sign. In the chapel he had a mystical experience. In his vision, Ignatius saw the Trinity. The Father addressed the Son saying, 'It is my will that you take this man as your companion.'" -- Faith Quest at Chapel Point.

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