Monday, April 4, 2016

Juliette Gordon Low

This portrait of Juliette Gordon Low hangs in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC.
"Elegantly depicted by British artist Edward Hughes, Juliette Gordon Low radiates the luxury of elite American birth and marriage to a wealthy Englishman. Low's satisfaction with her privileged lifestyle, how­ever, soon faded. Following her unfaithful husband's death, she became interested in the Girl Guides, an organization established by her friend, British general Sir Robert Baden-Powell, who had also founded the Boy Scouts. Working with disadvantaged girls living near her Scottish estate, Low became a troop leader, imparting practical skills to her charges. After creating troops in London, Low brought the idea to the United States in 1912, establishing a Girl Guides troop in her hometown of Savannah, Georgia. In 1915, Low incor­porated the Girl Scouts of the USA. Today the organi­zation continues to inspire girls to pursue 'the highest ideals of character, conduct, patriotism, and service that they may become happy and resourceful citizens.'" -- National Portrait Gallery
This 1918 Harris and Ewing photo at the Library of Congress shows Juliette Low in goggles and duster.

And here she is embedded in the sidewalk on G Street NW.

Juliette Gordon Low
Founded Girl Scouts of the United States of America in 1912 to encourage girls to develop and strengthen their leadership skills, to provide support, kindness and compassion to those in need; and to prepare to serve as responsible citizens of their community and country. Her efforts have enabled millions of girls, from 5 to 17, to enjoy fun, friendship and learning opportunities in a nurturing environment.

"The work of today is the history of tomorrow, and we are its makers."

October 31, 1860 - January 17, 1927

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