Saturday, April 30, 2016

Maximilian Godefroy

Max. Godefroy
Acht of Battle Monument
Rembt Peal pinxt

This c. 1815 portrait of Maxmilian Godefroy hangs in the Maryland Historical Society Museum in Baltimore, Maryland.
"Baltimore's Committee of Vigilance and Safety selected French-trained neoclassical architect and former soldier Maximilian Godefroy as the designer for its Battle Monument. Godefroy, a former soldier who fought on the royalist side of the French Revolution, chose the monument's symbolic Classical elements to memorialize Baltimore's fallen heroes. While Godefroy personally oversaw much of the monument's construction, he returned to Europe in 1819 well before his masterpiece was completed in 1825." -- Maryland Historical Society

Battle Monument, Calvert Street, Baltimore, Independent City, MD
Max. Godefroy Esq. Pa & C. Invenit & Delin. 1815.
The Corner Stone of which was laid in Baltimore at the Solemnity of the 12th of Sept. 1815 in Commemoration of the Defenders of Baltimore who fell on the XII of Sept. 1814. at the Battle of North Point & the XIII during the Bombardment of Fort McHenry.
Among many architectural contributions, Godefroy also designed the First Unitarian Church of Baltimore. (MD. Historical Magazine)

This  landscape by Godefroy also appeared in the MD Historical  Magazine.

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