Tuesday, July 5, 2016

John Eager Howard

This 1846 portrait of John Eager Howard by Michael Laty, after Charles Wilson Peale, hangs in the Maryland Historical Society Museum in Baltimore, Maryland.
"John Eager Howard, one of Maryland's celebrated heroes of the Revolution, went on to serve as a three-term governor from 1788 to 1791 and United States senator from 1796 to 1803.

In the 1780s, Howard laid out streets on the Baltimore City land now known as the Mount Vernon District and named them to commemorate Revolutionary battles, Eutaw, Camden and Saratoga, and Revolutionary generals, Greene, Conway, and himself.

In 1845, Robert Gilmor Jr. (1774-1848) presented a paper to the members of the Maryland Historical Society, recalling how he 'succeeded in obtaining [from Howard] a square of 200 feet at the intersection of Charles and Monument streets ...and a circle of about 100 feet in diameter allotted for the site of the [Washington] monument' which graces the city skyline today." -- Maryland Historical Society

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