Sunday, August 7, 2016

Frederick Douglass

This 1981 live-sized statue of Frederick Douglass stands in the lobby of the Visitors Center at Frederick Douglass' home in Anacostia, Cedar Hill. It was Ed Dwight's first commission.

"Dwight himself is part of black history—in 1962 President John F. Kennedy appointed the young Air Force jet pilot as America’s first black astronaut trainee. Dwight went through training but never made it out of the Earth’s orbit: When Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, racial politics at NASA forced Dwight out of the program." -- Greg Glasgow, University of Denver Magazine, June 1, 2010.
 Ed Dwight © 1981

Douglass' bronze hand shines because tourist cannot  refrain from  shaking hands with the Sage of  Anacostia.

To those who have suffered in slavery, I can say, I, too have those who have battled for liberty , brotherhood, and citizenship I can say, I, too, have battled.

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