Sunday, August 14, 2016

Robert E. Lee

Robert E. lee's 1870 death mask by Clark Mills is on display in the National Portrait Gallery on loan from Washington & Lee University.
"Lee's death mask exists in counterpoint to the appellation that he was given during his days at West Point: the 'Marble Model' or the 'Marble Man.' The nickname reflected how Lee seemed to embody all the good qualities of a soldier and a gentleman. Yet it also suggested how Lee created a 'mask of command' to control his emotions. With the death mask, the man was silenced, but his presence lived on. Washington & Lee University created an elaborate tomb depicting Lee in a prone, full-length marble sculpture atop his sarcophagus, like some ancient king or knight: a Marble Man for eternity." -- National Portrait Gallery

This Library of Congress photo by Carol M. Highsmith depicts Robert E. Lee, recumbent in death, at Washington & Lee University; The Marble Man.

Robert Edward Lee 
Born Jan 19 1807 Died Oct 12 1870

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