Monday, November 7, 2016

Jean Baptiste Pointe DuSable

This bust of Jean Baptiste Pointe DuSable by Erik Blome stands on the north bank of the Chicago River in Chicago Illinois.

Jean-Baptiste Pointe DuSable
1745 - 1818
Founder of Chicago

African-Caribbean, born in St.Marc, Haiti
In the 1770's he opened the first trading post,
beside the Chicago River, establishing
the settlement that became Chicago.
The DuSable homestead was located near this site.

This monument was given to the City of Chicago
by Haitian-born Mr. Lesley Benodin
to honor the legacy of its founder.

Bust of Jean Baptiste Pointe DuSable
Erik Blome

City of Chicago
Richard M Daley, Mayor
Public Art Collection

"Baptiste Point DeSaible, an handsome negro, well educated and settled at Eschikagou; but much in the French interest" -- Colonel Arent Schuyler DePeyster, British commander at Michilimackinac, 1779.

An imaginary view of the site of Chicago in 1779, (Then Called Eschikago), showing the cabin of Jean Baptiste Point Du Saible, (colored), The First Permanent Settler. -- frontispiece of A.T. Andreas, History of Chicago, 1884.

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