Monday, September 18, 2017

Alice Paul

This portrait of Alice Stokes Paul by Helen Daggett hangs in the Belmont Paul Women's Equality National Monument in Washington, DC.
"Alice Paul (January 11, 1885 – July 9, 1977) was an American suffragist, feminist, and women's rights activist, and one of the main leaders and strategists of the 1910s campaign for the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits sex discrimination in the right to vote. Along with Lucy Burns and others, Paul strategized events, such as the Woman Suffrage Procession and the Silent Sentinels, which were part of the successful campaign that resulted in its passage in 1920.

After 1920, Paul spent a half century as leader of the National Woman's Party, which fought for her Equal Rights Amendment to secure constitutional equality for women. She won a large degree of success with the inclusion of women as a group protected against discrimination by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. She insisted that her National Woman's Party focus on the legal status of all women and resisted calls to address issues like birth control." -- Wikipedia
Alice Paul
National Women's Party
Washington, D.C.

This 1915 Harris and Ewing photo shows a more youthful Miss Paul at her desk.

This photo of Alice Paul on trial for picketing the White House appeared in the Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram. (Richmond, Ind.), Nov. 15, 1917 over an article entitled “Sanity is being Tested is Report” , discussing the conditions of Miss Paul’s incarceration. 

  Miss Alice Paul, photographed in court during recent trial.

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