Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Anna Kelton Wiley

This portrait of Anna Kelton Wiley (1877-1964) by Betsy Graves Reyneau hangs in the Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Historic Site in Washington, DC.
"Anna Kelton Wiley
NWP Founding Member and Leader
Imprisoned for Suffrage
Advocated for women's rights, Indian rights, consumer protection, and improved childcare." -- National Woman's Party
"Mrs. Harvey W. Wiley, Washington, D. C., daughter of General Kelton, and wife of Dr. Harvey Wiley, food expert and ex-director of the pure food department of U. S. Government. Member of national advisory council of N.W.P. Has done lobbying, political work and picketing for N.W.P. Nov. 10, 1917, sentenced to 15 days in District Jail; appealed her case; later sustained by higher court." -- Jailed for Freedom by Doris Stevens, 1920
Her portrait hangs in the former bedroom of Alice Paul.

The Library of Congress has this c. 1920 photo of Anna Kelton Wiley with her two sons, John Preston and Harvey Jr.

This c. 1900 portrait of Dr. Harvey Wiley appears in Wikipedia.

 "An outspoken misogynist, Dr. Wiley was prone to referring to women as 'savages,' claiming that they lacked 'the brain capacity' of men." -- Bruce Watson - Esquire.
Women arrested for picketing the White House were awarded the Jail Door Pin, by the National Woman's Party.

"The National Woman’s Party owns the pin that was presented to Betsy Graves Reyneau, artist and civil rights activist. She was one of sixteen women arrested for picketing the White House on Bastille Day, July 14, 1917, and sentenced to an unprecedented sixty days in Occoquan Workhouse. President Wilson pardoned the pickets after three days. As an active member of the National Woman’s Party, Reyneau later painted portraits of many of the leaders of the National Woman’s Party which remain in the museum’s collection today." -- National Woman's Party
This photo shows Betsy Graves Reyneau  along with Margaret Whittemore, Ginger Hendrie and Marion Houghton at the NWP Convention in June 1916.

Betsy Graves Reyneau

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