Saturday, November 11, 2017

George C. Marshall

This statue of George Catlett Marshall (1880-1959) by Rosario Fiore stands in front of George Marshall’s house “Dodona” on the eastern edge of Leesburg, Virginia.

R. Fiore 1980

 George Catlett Marshall
“Born Union Town, Pennsylvania, educated at Virginia Military Institute, class of 1901, serving in the United States Army thereafter, resident of Leesburg, Virginia, 1941 to 1959. During this time he served his country as U.S. Army Chief of Staff with rank of General of the Armies, Secretary of State, President of the American Red Cross, and Secretary of Defense. Recipient of the 1953 Nobel Peace Prize. He was a member of the Rotary Club of Leesburg, St. James Episcopal Church, and the Catoctin Farmer's Club. He and his family lived at Dodona Manor, a historic residence at the eastern entrance to Leesburg.”
“Soldier, statesman, patriot and chivalrous gentleman, George Marshall in high public service exemplifies the noble tradition of a great school. We all share the pride which his alma mater feels... - Franklin D. Roosevelt

To him more than any other individual, the United States and the free world owes its future. His place is at the head of the commanders of history. - Harry S. Truman

He is a patriot, a distinguished soldier, and the most selfless public servant I have ever met. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

He has always fought victoriously against defeatism, discouragement and disillusion. Succeeding generations must not be allowed to forget his achievements and his example. - Winston S. Churchill.”

The Marshall Memorial was originally installed in 1980 on the Courthouse lawn in Leeburg. The statue was removed while the courthouse was being renovated. It returned to public view at Dodona in 2007.

Scultptor Rosario Fiore is said to have been the creator of the Honorable Service Lapel Pin known as the  “Ruptured Duck”:

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