Saturday, December 30, 2017

Robert Johnson

This 2006 portrait of Robert Johnson (born 1946) by Simmie Knox hangs in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC.
“Robert Johnson is one of the most important television and entertainment industry businessmen of recent times, not least because he is African American. After graduating from the University of Illinois, Johnson held political and communications jobs in Washington, D.C. Seizing a business opportunity provided by the emerging cable market and serving his own community, Johnson launched Black Entertainment Television (BET) in 1979. The network was a hit, becoming the first majority African American enterprise listed on the New York Stock Exchange and selling for a reported three billion dollars in 2001. Johnson remained as BET's head until 2006. He has subsequently devoted himself to politics, finance, philanthropy, and one-time owner­ship of the NBA's Charlotte Bobcats (the name was a play on Johnson's first name), which is referenced in Simmie Knox's portrait.” – National Portrait Gallery
Simmie Knox

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