Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Frida Kahlo

This 1937  oil on Masonite self-portrait by Frida Kahlo belongs to the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, DC. The painting is often called “Between the Curtains” but is referred to by NMWA as “Self-Portrait Dedicated to Leon Trotsky.”
“Like many paintings by Frida Kahlo, Self-Portrait Dedicated to Leon Trotsky focuses on a particular event in the artist’s life. It commemorates the brief affair Kahlo had with the exiled Russian revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky shortly after his arrival in Mexico in 1937. In this painting, she presents herself elegantly clothed in a long embroidered skirt, fringed shawl, and delicate gold jewelry.  Flowers and coils of red yarn adorn her hair and adroitly applied makeup highlights her features. Poised and confident in her stage-like setting, Kahlo holds a bouquet of flowers and a letter of dedication to Trotsky that states, ‘with all my love.’ Interestingly, Clare Boothe Luce, the American playwright, socialite, and U.S. Congresswoman, donated Self-Portrait Dedicated to Leon Trotsky to NMWA in 1988.

Kahlo, like many Mexican artists working after the Revolutionary decade that began in 1910, was influenced in her art and life by the nationalistic fervor known as Mexicanidad. The artists involved in this movement rejected European influences and favored a return to the country’s native roots and folk traditions. Kahlo often wore the distinctive clothing of the Tehuantepec women in southwest Mexico; she also looked to pre-Columbian art and Mexican folk art for forms and symbols in her paintings. The compositional elements of the stage and curtains, for example, draw upon Mexican vernacular paintings called retablos, devotional images of the Virgin or Christian saints painted on tin, which Kahlo collected.” -- NMWA

Para Leon Trotsky
con todo cariño,
dedico ésta pin-
tura , el dia 7
de Noviembre de
(For Leon Trotsky with all my love, I dedicate this painting, on November 7, 1937.)

November 7, 1937 was both Trotsky's 58th birthday and the 20th anniversary of the October Revolution (25 October old style). Trotsky moved out of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo's home the Blue House in April of 1939 leaving this portrait behind. He was assassinated in August of 1940.

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