Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Queen Isabella

Ysabel I

This bronze statue of Queen Isabella (1451-1504) by Jose Luis Sanchez was dedicated on April 14, 1966 in front of the Pan American Union in Washington, DC.
Portrait of Queen Isabella standing with her hands resting at her waist. She wears a crown of Castile and long robes adorned with the crests of Aragon and Leon. In her hands she holds a pomegranate with a dove perched on top....The sculpture was donated by the Institute of Hispanic Culture of Madrid and by the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fernado Maria Castiella y Maiz.-- SIRIS
The Spanish  inscription on the base identifies Queen Isabella.

Ysabel I La Catolica
Reina De Castilla
De Aragon
De Las Islas
Y Tierra Firme
Del Mar Oceano

Isabel I Catholic
Queen of Castile
of Aragon
of the Islands
and Mainland
of the Ocean Sea
A bronze plaque identifies Isabella's role in the European discovery of the Americas.

 This is the statue of
Queen Isabella of Spain and the Americas
who sent Christopher Columbus To discover
the New World
Donated  by Spain to
The Organization of American States
April 14, 1966
Day of the Americas

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