Sunday, October 6, 2019

Mattie J. T. Stepanek

This 2008 statue of Mattie Stepanek and his dog Micah by Jimilu Mason  stands in Mattie Stepanek Park in Rockville, Maryland.
Matthew Joseph Thaddeus Stepanek (July 17, 1990 – June 22, 2004), known as Mattie J.T. Stepanek, was an American poet (or, as he wanted to be remembered, "a poet, a peacemaker, and a philosopher who played") who published seven best-selling books of poetry and peace essays. Before his death (at the age of 13) he had become known as a peace advocate and motivational speaker. -- Wikipedia 

“Remember to play after every storm.” Mattie J. T. Stephanek

Just Peace

“Peace is possible ... it can begin simply, over a game of chess and a cup of tea.”

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