Monday, May 4, 2020

Kiki Kogelnik

This painting entitled Superwoman, 1973 by Kiki Kogelnik (1935-1997) hangs in the National Museum of Women and the Arts in Washington, DC.
Superwoman comments on the representation of the female body in popular culture. With deadpan humor, Kogelnik challenges comic book clichés, which portray female superheroes —if they include them at all— clad in sexy, impractical costumes. This work is likely a self-portrait, as the artist often wore flamboyant clothing like the aviator cap and large sunglasses seen here. Kogelnik regularly used scissors in her art practice to create stencils and vinyl silhouettes. Images of the artist holding scissors allude to her power to manipulate figures and images by literally cutting them out. -- NMWA
 Kiki Kogelnik 1973

The NMWA also has this photo of Kogelnik in her aviator cap:

Another photo is on the cover of this 2014 book by Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer, Alexandra Hennig, Susanne Längle, Hans-Peter Wipplinger, and Kiki Kogelnik.

Amazon will even sell you a tee-shirt:

Way Out

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