Friday, February 19, 2021

Maya Angelou

This 2017 multi-media sculpture by Mischell Riley entitled “Maya's Mind” stood temporarily at 800 17th Street NW, Washington, DC. as part of an exhibit of the Rewick Gallery.

Maya's Mind 
Artist: Mischell Riley 
Maya's Mind is a twenty foot tall-by nine foot wide sculpture of Maya Angelou, great African American poet, singer, activist. This sculpture is a large bust that is mounted on three stacked books creating steps that you Fan climb up and into Maya's Mind to hear her recite her poem "Still I Rise". Her voice is unique and powerful, adding a dimension and presence in the sculpture that evokes a sort of reverence. At top of her head hangs an empty birdcage that has no bottom in honor of her famous book "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings". Her head wrap turns into birds taking flight symbolizing her poem "Still I Rise". Walking up into the back of the open head area will be a written page saying "Rise'.
I have chosen Maya Angelou for the purpose promoting women in history. I think women are underrepresented in historical sculptures and monuments. Most of all my nine life's size bronze government grants were for men, by men, about men and nothing representing women. For my next be Jane Goodall, Amelia Earhart, and Camille Claudel. When young women go to parks and public places they will have someone to aspire to. Women of strength and power, women who challenge us to take greater steps in our own lives. Working through their foundations and small sculptures, I want to rais funds for scholarships for women in arts and science. I want to help the next generation fo women of every race, religion, and nationality to lead us all. Women represent half the planet and I want to have a voice in history through the arts.


 Climbing up to hear Maya's Voice:


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