Sunday, September 5, 2021

Alfred Stieglitz

This 1934 caricature of photographer Alfred Stieglitz by Peggy Bacon, appeared in her book Off with Their Heads! Bacon provided this description of the image and Stieglitz:

Black-and-white sketch of a man. Flesh like a marshmallow, eyes of black agate. Soft, silver hair, wafted in all directions as by an electric fan. Small explosions of white bristles from ears, lip and nostrils, Sealyham style. Bent nose. Widely carved, crooked, talking mouth, muscular, well exercised, argumentative, the bursting outlet for a torrential stream of thought. Body tottering but determined, pursuing, crusading, charged with some high explosive which seems about to shake the structure to bits. A gallant fanatic.

Peggy Bacon 1934

Compare this to Bacon's caricature of Stieglitz' wife, Georgia O'Keefe, and Francis Picabia's, too.

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