Thursday, March 10, 2022

Jane Addams

This portrait of Jane Addams appeared in a 1923 book entitled Addresses: Tributes to Great Men illustrating an address she made In Memory of Henry Lloyd.

The New York Times, May 23, 1935, quotes a list of the 12 greatest living American Women calling Jane Addams,
By universal consent the greatest among modern women—lover of humanity and a social statesman of saintly statesmanship and serene idealism.
Here's 7-year-old Jane Addams in 1867. The sketch appeared in her 1912 book Twenty Years of Hull House.

Elmo Scott Watson tells this story about Jane, a year earlier.
Once upon a time a little girl from the country watched some children playing in the dirty, narrow streets that criss-crossed the “shanty town” of one of Illinois' thriving industrial centers, whereupon she said to her father beside her in the carriage, “When I grow up I'm going to have a big house with a big yard and I'm going to ask all those children to come over and play.”

“That's a fine plan, Jenny,” her father agreed. “I hope you will carry it out some day.” And she did, for that little girl was six-year-old Jane Addams who, 23 years later, founded Chicago's Hull House, America's first and for 50 years world-famous settlement.
Hull House by Violet Oakley

This picture of Jane Addams appeared in 1909 in an article discussing her role in the Charities and Corrections Conference of 1910.

Here's Jane Addams after receiving an honorary Master of Arts degree from Yale in 1910. (See The Ladysmith News-Budget, Rusk County, Wis., September 02, 1910, Page 5.)

This photo of Jane Addams, A.M., in full regalia, appeared in The Wenatchee Daily World, Wenatchee, Wash,  August 08, 1910, Page 8.

The drawing of Jane Addams below  accompanied a 1912 article calling her a “Moosette,” referring to her founding support of the Progressive or “Bull Moose” Party. (See Four Moosettes on T.R.'s National Committee. )

This photo appeared in a 1913 Article entitled “Who is  the Most Influential Woman in America?” Jane Addams was  in the running, though they misspelled her name.

Miss Jane Adams

The Library of Congress has this dramatic photo from 1914.

© 1914 Moffett, Chicago

This image accompanied an article noting that Miss Addams was ill in Presbyterian Hospital in 1915. (See The Day Book, Chicago, December 1, 1915, Last Edition.)

This 1930 photo shows her with several of the children of the Hull-House neighborhood.

Jane Addams with Barbara Thicks, Barbara Navagato, Paul DeSalvio and Jerny Seapone.

This “Sanguine Drawing made in Chicago 1934” by Violet Oakley formed the frontispiece of her 1955 book Cathedral of Compassion.

A Turkish postage stamp honored Jane Addams in 1935 commemorating the 12th International Suffragist Conference after she won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931. She shared the prize that year with Nicholas Murray Butler.

The United States issued this 10¢ stamp after her death in 1935.

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