Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Stephen Osusky

This medallion portrait of Stephen Osusky (Štefan Osuský) (1889 – 1973) decorates his headstone in Oak Hill Cemetery in Georgetown, Washington, DC.

Stephen Osusky was a lawyer, diplomat, politician and university professor who as the plaque below indicates was a co-founder of Czechoslovakia, pillar of the Leaque of Nations and advisor to U. S. Presidnents.
1889 - STEPHEN OSUSKY - 1973 
Co-Founder of Czecho-Slovakia, Envoy to France
Pillar of the League of Nations, Adviser to the U.S. 
Presidents W. Wilson, F.D. Roosevelt, H.S. Truman

1892 - PAULINA OSUSKY - 1979

Sponsored by the Embassy of the Slovak Republic
• The U.S. Commission for the Preservation
of America's Heritage Abroad • The Slovak 
American Society of Washington.

The reverse of the marker uses the name Stefan Osusky.

Born March 31, 1889
Co-Founder of
Died in Exile
September 27, 1973.

And he shall be like a tree planted by the
Rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit
in His season; His leaf also shall not wither.
                                                 (Psalms 1, 3).

The Copper Era and Morenci Leader, in Clifton, Ariz., ran this picture of Osusky on August 19, 1921 on Page 6, accompanying an article about the League of Nations.

M. Ousky, the first man to be appointed an abassador for Czecho-Slovakia, represents that country in Paris.

This photo of M. Osusky meeting with the press and making an important announcement in 1930, is for sale at Abe Books

Paris – En marge des évènments de Tchecoslovaquie. – M. Osusky (à gauche) minister de Tchecolovaquie a reçu la Presse et fait une importante declaration. Photo SAFAR.

(In addition to events in Czechoslovakia. – Mr. Osusky (on the left) minister of Czecholovakia received the Press and made an important statement. SAFAR photo.)

In 2014, Osuský was honored with a 0,45 € Slovak stamp.


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