Thursday, August 11, 2016

Cecilius Calvert

This 1908 Statue of Cecil Calvert by Albert Weinert stands in front of the Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse in Baltimore, Maryland.

"Cecilius Calvert (1606-75) was just 26 years old when his father, Sir George Calvert. the first Lord Baltimore, died. Cecilius became the Second Lord Baltimore and the first Lord Proprietor of the colony of Maryland. George Calvert had requested and received a grant of 10-20 million acres of land to establish a Colony in what became Maryland. but he died as the charter was being issued, so the responsibility of establishing and governing the Maryland colony fell to Cecilius." -- Cindy Kelly & Edwin H. Remsberg, 2011, Outdoor Sculpture in Baltimore.
 Cecilius Calvert
1606 -- 1675
Fovnder of Maryland

Kelly and Remsberg further note that: "Francis X. Bushman (1883-1966), an actor originally from Baltimore who at the height of his career was advertised as 'The Handsomest Man in the World' claimed to have been the model for Calvert."

This inscription by De Courcy Wright Thom appears on the back of the monument.

Cecilivs Calvert Baron Baltimore of Baltimore in the Kingdom of Ireland · Absolvte Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon in America · Who on November 13, 1633 with the co-operation and assent of the first Colonists, proclaimed in England · And on March 25th, 1634, established in the Palatinate of Maryland for the first time in the English speaking world Freedom of Religious Worship according to any Christian Form · and separation of Church and State·

Erected under the auspices of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Maryland November 21, 1908 De Courcy Wright Thom being the Governor of the Society

A. Weinert Sc.


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