Monday, August 8, 2016

John Stuart Skinner

This 1912 painting entitled "By the Dawn's Early Light" by Edward Percy Moran hangs in the Star Spangled Banner Flag House Museum in Baltimore Maryland.
"John Stuart Skinner ... was a farmer and journalist, and during the War, served as the Barney's Purser and was in charge of prisoner exchange.  As Barney’s men fought the British out of the Patuxent, Skinner made a Paul Revere-type ride to warn President Madison that the British were coming to Washington.  Later in 1814, Skinner was placed in command of a prisoner exchange party.  He escorted Francis Scott Key onto a British vessel where they watched the attack on Fort McHenry in Baltimore, which inspired Key to write the Star Spangled Banner.  Skinner arranged for its first publication in a local paper." -- Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum.

This  photo of a 1925 painting of John Stuart Skinner by Joseph Wood appeared in  the Maryland Historical Magazine Summer 1969.

And this lithograph by F. D'Avignon appeared in the Farm Book. 1851.

"In 1819, Skinner founded The American Farmer, the first agricultural paper published in the United States, and he was also the editor of the American Turf Register and Sporting Magazine, and the Plough, the Loom and the Anvil. -- Historical Marker HMdb.

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